Growth Accelerator Blog

B2B Content Development: 4 Best Practices to Grow Your Startup

Written by Sellerant | December 17, 2020 8:23:42 PM Z

Looking to boost conversion rates and engagement? Take your startup to the next level with powerful B2B content development best practices.

Driving brand awareness and conversions through effective B2B content development isn’t inherently easy to get right. Between balancing startup demands, limited budgets, creative decisions, and more, you might consider putting a content development strategy on the back burner. 

However, developing valuable content has the potential to elevate your startup, increase brand awareness, and convert more B2B buyers into loyal customers. Your content not only elicits emotion from your target audience but also amplifies your credibility within your entire industry to convey your startup’s value.

Let’s dive into B2B content development best practices so you can get the most out of your budget and resources to drive real results. 

Quick takeaways: 

  • Content allows you to deliver a consistent customer experience to increase conversions
  • B2B content development needs to be concise and valuable to hold your audience’s attention
  • Focus on every stage of the customer journey to build long-term loyalty 

Why Should Your Startup Care About B2B Content Development?

B2B content development is more than creating marketing materials; it’s a compilation of your website pages, client presentations, blogs, and more. To deliver a consistent and quality experience, you need to develop a content development strategy that targets the needs of your audience.

75% of businesses believe that content marketing helps their business generate more quality leads and attract organic traffic to their website. As a startup, marketing is essential to getting your brand off the ground and content development is the key to increase your bottom line. With the right strategy in place, many startups see a boost in overall awareness, engagement, and conversions. 

4 Unique B2B Content Development Best Practices

B2B content development isn’t your typical run-of-the-mill consumer-facing content. Instead, it’s utilized to amplify your startup’s credibility through useful and engaging content to other businesses. Here are four best practices to help you get started:

1. Develop a Strategy and Boilerplate 

Before putting pen to paper, you need to develop a comprehensive strategy and communication boilerplate for everyone in your startup to follow. Your strategy needs to answer the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience? What are their pain points?
  • What technology platforms will you use?
  • What types of content will you focus on?
  • What are the objectives and KPIs you want to achieve?
  • How will you repurpose and promote content?
  • How will you track and measure your content?

Along with your strategy, it’s essential to develop a communications boilerplate that explains your tone, voice, terminology, and more. With a communications boilerplate, you can make sure your brand remains consistent throughout all content experiences. 

2. Hire a Dedicated Content Expert

While your employees might wear multiple hats for your startup, it’s important to leave content development to the professionals. To be successful, it’s recommended to hire a B2B professional writer who can clearly demonstrate your messaging throughout the entire customer journey. Your content writer will be able to convey your value more consistently — using the right industry terminology and SEO tactics — so you’re able to meet KPIs and expand your reach. 

3. Cater to Your Audience with Precise Language

B2B audiences have limited bandwidth to read lengthy paragraphs with convoluted language. After all, the average person has an attention span of 12 seconds. When it comes to B2B content development, less is more. Consider the following practices:

  • Use precise language with relevant industry terminology
  • Provide extended value with takeaways that elevate your subject matter
  • Write in a dynamic, active voice that holds your reader’s attention

The purpose of your content is to establish credibility with your reader so they trust your brand and enter your lead funnel. When you’re able to efficiently communicate your subject matter expertise, you’ll be more successful at converting your target audience and increasing your bottom line. 

4. Focus on the Customer Journey

52% of B2B marketers agree that a successful B2B content development strategy needs to include content at every stage of the customer journey to continue nurturing your audience. To get started, identify how you can deliver the right content at the right time throughout your lead funnel. For example: 

  • Awareness stage: Blog posts, white papers, videos, social media, and downloadable offers
  • Evaluation stage: Case studies, webinars, newsletters, podcasts, presentations, and checklists
  • Purchase stage: Trials, consultations, testimonials, events, and demos

Along with your customer journey, you want to create content for your current customers such as product guides, email journeys, and more to continue earning their loyalty. 

Amplify Your Brand with B2B Content Development

The success of your B2B content development relies on your ability to connect with your audience on their terms. By understanding the types of information your audience needs, you can develop quality content that highlights credibility and increases your bottom line.

Ready to start building your brand through quality content? Meet with our team to get started on your Blueprint for Branding today.