Growth Accelerator Blog

Save Time and Boost Conversions with Marketing Automation (with examples!)

Written by Sellerant | February 2, 2024 9:06:00 PM Z

Marketing automation saves time and boosts conversions, allowing your business to target consumers more accurately and quickly. Here’s how you benefit.

Technological advancements have historically been valued for their ability to save people time — and generate revenue. Take Ford Motor Company's Model T, for example. In the early 20th century, the car cornered the American automobile market because of Ford's revolutionary manufacturing process, the moving assembly line. Ford produced more cars, more quickly, and at more affordable prices than the competition. As a result, they gained market dominance.

This same principle applies to marketing automation. In this case, however, technology allows you to automate recurring marketing activities – like social media posts, digital ads, and email campaigns – instead of automobile assembly.  Today, marketing automation not only aims for efficiency but also facilitates the implementation of more targeted strategies, providing customers with personalized experiences. By optimizing marketing processes and performance measurement, automation allows businesses to redirect their focus from mundane tasks to overarching strategic improvements.

It’s not just about efficiency, however. Marketing automation also allows you to nurture contacts through the buyer's journey with "smart" content - content that dynamically adjusts according to a contact's behavior and interactions that indicate interest in your company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Marketing automation utilizes technology to automate recurring marketing activities, enhancing efficiency.
  • Automation saves time, energy, and money on repetitive tasks, freeing up resources for more impactful activities.
  • Marketing automation doesn't just increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness; it also supports more targeted marketing activities.

How Marketing Automation Saves Time and Boosts Conversions

Here, we look at how marketing automation tools can help you save time and boost conversions.

Improve Accountability

Marketing automation platforms can track marketing activities and provide a verifiable record of actions plus associated business results. Employees can be better held accountable for their work, while managers can be better held responsible for their spending. The ability to quantify the impact of activities or investment boosts credibility and provides motivation.

Increase Win Rates

Automation makes it easier to nurture and score promising leads (ranking how likely they are to convert). The most promising leads can then be passed from marketing to sales to close. By sharing information, marketing and sales teams can more easily agree on what constitutes a qualified lead. Automation provides this needed visibility, closing the gap between lead source and revenue generation.

Reduce Cost per Lead

Automating critical processes like lead scoring, nurturing, and assignment frees up resources in the marketing team. Using email- and web-based approaches further reduces acquisition costs for new leads. Marketing funnel automation can thus decrease your overall cost per lead. For managers wanting to demonstrate the value of marketing spending, this is a significant advantage.

Nurture Creativity

Working smarter means working faster. With automation, workers save time because they don't have to complete the same tasks every day. When you spare your employees the tedium of repetitive tasks, you can nurture their creative energy and use their effort for more creative purposes – like crafting catchy new campaigns and strategies. The quality of work and employee morale increase in parallel.  

Easily Monitor Campaign Performance

Comprehensive automation tools also include metrics, paving the way for in-depth marketing analysis. For example, you can assess a single email campaign's performance based on factors like opens and click rates. Set up automated reports to monitor campaign performance and get insights into which techniques are working and which ones need adjustment.

Improve Resource Allocation

The ability to monitor campaign performance provides valuable knowledge needed to guide future marketing initiatives. Small business owners, in particular, may shy away from spending on automation tools, deeming them too expensive. These are the companies that stand to benefit the most from this investment, however. With automated monitoring, you avoid dumping marketing dollars into campaigns that don't convert.

Create More Tailored Consumer Experiences

Successful marketing is ultimately about creating an experience that captivates, engages, and finally converts consumers. With the knowledge and the time you gain through automation, you can deepen your understanding of what your target audience wants.

You can then use automation tools to target diverse customer groups via platforms suitable for their demographic: social channels, emails, websites, and other media. Multi-channel engagement allows for a more personalized experience, informed by data of consumers' past purchasing behavior.

Marketing Automation Examples


Smart Lead Nurturing and Retargeting

A prime example of efficiency and precision is found in smart lead nurturing and retargeting. This strategy involves leveraging lead scores to guide potential customers through the sales funnel intelligently.

Lead scoring allows automation tools to assign scores based on a lead's interactions, indicating their level of interest and likelihood to convert. With this information, marketers can deliver personalized content to high-scoring leads, keeping them engaged and informed throughout their buyer's journey. The real power of marketing automation emerges in strategic retargeting, where leads with high scores, yet unconvinced to convert, are reintroduced into tailored campaigns. These campaigns, encompassing dynamic ads, personalized emails, and exclusive promotions, address specific concerns or objections, optimizing the chances of conversion.

Hyper-Targeted ABM Campaigns

Unlike conventional automation, this approach singles out individual target accounts, crafting bespoke strategies to engage and convert key prospects.

At the core of hyper-targeted ABM lies strategic account selection, where automation tools help identify high-value accounts based on various criteria. This meticulous approach ensures that marketing resources are concentrated on accounts with the utmost potential for conversion. Leveraging automation, marketers then deliver personalized content tailored to the specific needs and pain points of each target account. From custom landing pages to tailored emails, the content is meticulously curated to resonate with the unique characteristics of the selected accounts, elevating engagement and relevance.


At the core of segmentation lies strategic categorization, facilitated by automation tools. These tools allow for the identification and grouping of audience segments, ensuring that marketing efforts are finely tuned to address the unique needs and interests of each category. Utilizing workflows, segmentation data can be captured, and contacts can be grouped into filtered lists according to your target customer profile.

The beauty of segmentation within marketing automation lies in its adaptability. Whether it's demographics, purchase history, or engagement patterns, segmentation allows marketers to dynamically adjust their strategies based on real-time data. This iterative refinement ensures that campaigns remain agile, responding effectively to changing market dynamics and customer behaviors.

Implementing Marketing Automation Tools

Businesses of every size can benefit from marketing automation platforms. Tapping into the power of automation can enhance the impact of your marketing activities exponentially. Determining which tools are right for you and how to implement them best is the first challenge. 

Looking to implement marketing automation? We can help!